Monday, December 29, 2008

Thin Flap LASIK

One of the technological advances that has improved the success rate and decreased complications is SubBowman's Keratomeliusis sometimes referred to as Thin Flap LASIK. By utilizing a very thin flap, the procedure becomes less invasive and therefore less prone to certain side effects such as dry eye. Thin Flap LASIK has all the benefits that LASIK is known for such as quick vision recovery and is superior to PRK or Epi-LASIK because Bowman's membrane is preserved, there is lower risk of corneal haze and there is less time off needed from work or school. In order to create a thin LASIK flap, the IntraLase laser is necessary. The Laser Eye Center has been performing IntraLase for several years and is one of the most established Laser Eye Center in the state of North Carolina.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Surgeons Believe in LASIK

A recent survey by the International Society of refractive Surgery confirms that the surgeons who perform the surgery are confident enough in the procedure to have it performed on their eyes and the eyes of their family members. About fifty percent of the population could benefit from the LASIK procedure. Among refractive surgeons, about 35 percent have had LASIK performed on their own eyes. This is four times greater than the general public. In addition 30 percent of their spouses have had it done, 40 percent of their siblings and 21 percent of their children have had LASIK. I do not wear glasses but I have performed the procedure on my wife and sister. All surgical procedures carry some risk but the safety record of LASIK is so high that surgeons who perform the procedure and depend on their eyes for their livelihood seem to have little qualm about having the procedure performed on themselves and their loved ones.