Thursday, February 5, 2009

Intacs for Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a corneal disorder in which progressive astigmatism develops, probably because of weakening. Patients who suffer from keratoconus suffer from corneal thinning and vision loss. Ultimately patients may require a corneal transplant. Recently, surgeons have begun to implant plastic inserts (Intacs) to bolster the cornea and delay, perhaps indefinitely, the need for a corneal transplant. I have implanted Intacs in several keratoconus patients and have been impressed with the results. Patients have exhibited a reversal in their astigmatism and often show an improvement in best corrected vision. the original application for Intacs was for the correction of nearsightedness. Popularity has waned as the LASIK procedure improved but Intacs have enjoyed a resurrgence in interest for their use in keratoconus. For more information go to

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