Monday, December 27, 2010

The LASIK Lifetime Guarantee

How valuable is a LASIK "lifetime guarantee"? Well not as valuable as you might think. Why? There tends to be a lot of strings.
What’s the catch?
1. The lifetime guarantee only applies to patients within certain parameters. They typically are not available for farsightedness, or for patients with more significant amounts of nearsightedness or astigmatism.
2. The lifetime guarantee only applies if you get an excellent outcome on your initial LASIK procedure. The guarantee is void if you need an enhancement or “touch-up” procedure.
3. The guarantee only applies if your vision changes to significantly more nearsightedness (worse than 20/40). What if you drift to 20/30 or become farsighted as you age? Sorry, you’re on your own.
4. The guarantee allows only for additional LASIK procedures. Of course, there is a limit to the number of times a LASIK procedure can be performed and the guarantee does not apply to procedures such as conductive keratoplasty which may be a better option for you as you age.
5. The center determines the advisability of further LASIK. This does not allow for the participation of the patient in the decision making.
6. The “lifetime” referred to may be the lifetime of the center. We have seen several patients who were patients of now defunct laser centers who found that their lifetime guarantees were worthless. And what happens if LASIK itself becomes defunct? Witness the history of the old RK procedure.
7. You may be required to undergo yearly exams at an affiliated doctor’s office. Miss one of these mandated exams and your guarantee becomes void. Such restrictions are an unnecessary burden and expense making it difficult and in some cases, impossible for a patient to meet their obligation under this arrangement.
Much more important than any type of guarantee is the reputation and trust you have in your surgeon. Be sure and ask "what happens if my eyes or vision needs change?" and make sure you are satisfied with the answer.

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