Sunday, April 24, 2011

Newer Model of ReStor Outperforms Old Model

The newer model of ReStor intraocular lens used in cataract surgery performs better than the older. A new study comparing the new model with the old model confirms what most ophthalmologists that implant these lenses have concluded. I have been implanting multifocal intraocular lenses for many years but have done so with caution. Multifocal intraocular lenses tended to have problems with night halos, limited range of vision, and problems with image quality (similar to the problems seen with bifocal contact lenses). The difference, of course, is patients unhappy with bifocal contacts just need to remove them or wear them at select times. Patients unhappy with multifocal implants require another surgery to replace them. Multifocal implants still aren't for everyone but the improvements in lens design significantly increase the chances of patient satisfaction and decrease the risk that an exchange will be necessary.

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